Day 2

10 in the Bible represents 2 primary things, First it represents testimony. As I sit and think of the last ten years, I’m just so thankful for all God has done. Over 1,300 have accepted Jesus as Savior, We’ve helped plant over 500 churches, launched a second campus to further the mission of reaching Shelby County with the Gospel, given hundreds of thousands to missions. We’ve seen marriages restored, addictions broken, and so many people begin to live their lives on purpose! Our church is a living testimony of the faithfulness of God in every season. Second, Ten represents responsibility. While it’s so good to look back and remember Gods goodness, I’m reminded now more than ever that we’re really just getting started… The best is yet to come! Church, we have a responsibility to move into this next season with passion and purpose. As we’re stepping into 2022 together through prayer and fasting, my prayer is that the Lord will clearly reveal Himself to us like never before. That we gain a fresh zeal to lead those far from God into fully committed relationships with Jesus. It’s going to be an incredible year, Cultivate!

Life on Purpose,

Brandon Doss
Lead Team Pastor

Worship Moment

Song: We the Kingdom
Artist: Sing Wherever I Go
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