Day 14
Today is January 22, 2022, which means there are only 7 days remaining in the 21 days of prayer and fasting. In previous years of fasting, by now I would have made a countdown clock of the remaining time because I would've been dying to have all the things I couldn't have during the fast. Sweets, sodas, social media, fast food, certain types of music, cursing, shopping, yelling, RedBull, and the list can go on and on of things you may fast but this year, for me, I needed a major change.
Instead of the simple things I will dive head first back into and forget the reason I fasted in the first place, I decided to learn and grow beyond the fast. It takes 3 weeks to get into a routine and 3 days to break it. Imagine that, 21 days is 3 weeks! Coincidence? It’s not!
So before you start your countdown clocks, before you dive head first into whatever you are fasting remember God is the reason you are fasting. How would you feel if God was fasting and couldn’t wait to get back to his social media account, that would take His time/focus off of us!
Let’s always remember to make God our priority. When God is our priority we become His priority. When we are His priority, miracles start breaking out in abundance. God’s miracles showed up and showed out in my life in 2021, and in Jesus name I’m claiming the same miracles will overflow in your lives in abundance and you can’t even count them all!
"He alone is your God, the only one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done these mighty miracles that you have seen with your own eyes."
Deuteronomy 10:21
Monica Powers
Worship Moment
Song: Million Little Miracles
Artist: Elevation Worship & Maverick City
Posted in 21 Days
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