Day 15

In some of Jesus’ final remarks to the disciples in the vineyard, he gives them this message: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Notice what Jesus doesn’t say…Whoever strives. Whoever works hard. Whoever stresses. Whoever does good works. No, Jesus says, “Whoever ABIDES in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit...”

I want us to get this…culture today tells us that we have to work hard. We have to strive. We have to remain busy. We GLORIFY busyness. Don’t believe me? Literally ask anyone how they’re doing. I guarantee you 9 out of 10 people will say they’re “busy” or “tired”.

Many Christians, (and for a long time, me included) believe that by busying ourselves with “good and honorable things”, it will make us higher in the kingdom of God; more liked or more favorable. We assume we are making God proud because of our work ethic. We check the boxes of all our good deeds. Been on a mission trip? Check. Serve in the church choir? Check. Serve at a homeless shelter? Check. (Do not get me wrong, none of these things are bad things, but we have to make sure we are doing these things for the right reason, with the right heart) Sooner or later, we are burnt out, frustrated, and dreading opening our Bible or even attending church. And we wonder where we ever went wrong. It’s because somewhere we stop listening to the Word of God and begin following what culture (whether it be church culture or worldly culture) deems important.

Abiding, or remaining in the Lord is what ultimately produces fruit in our lives. If we are abiding, we are including more of God in our lives; not just during our morning devotionals or on a Sunday morning, but throughout every aspect of our day.

In his book, ‘Secrets of the Vine’, Bruce Wilkinson says, “God doesn’t want me to do more for Him. He wants me to be more with Him.” What are your spiritual priorities? Are you working FOR God or are you spending time WITH God? God wants relationship. He wants us to draw near. He wants us to remain. Isn’t that such a relief? Doesn’t that take the pressure off? Remain. Abide. Rest in His ever-present, unconditional love. Because when we abide in Him, everything becomes clearer and we are able to pour from an overflowing, fruitful vine, instead of an empty cup.

Lindsay Efferson

Worship Moment

Song: Abide
Artist: Kingdom Culture Worship
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