Day 16

Recently, I've found myself thinking back to my late teens when I read what became some of my favorite books ever, The Chronicles of Narnia. I'm sure many of us have read them, or have seen the movies. In these stories, C.S. Lewis created a character intended to represent Jesus. A lion, named Aslan. In this character, he gave a very true way to describe who Jesus is. As the story goes, the main characters of the book are visiting a family of beavers, aptly named “The Beavers”, and had just found out they were to meet Aslan for the first time. This encounter reads-

Lucy: "Is—is he a man?"
Mr. Beaver: “Certainly not. Don't you know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lion... THE Lion... the GREAT Lion!”
Susan: "Ooh! I'd thought he was a man. Is he...quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion...
Mr. Beaver: “Safe?... Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe! But he IS good. He's the King, I tell you.”

In this time of prayer and fasting, God compels us to give up some measure of our time, and treasure (I miss you hamburgers) to draw closer to Him. In this world we live in now, being a Christian isn't exactly the most safe, popular, or trendy thing to do. One reason for that is these things like fasting may seem strange to the world. Our friends, coworkers, and family just may not quite understand. But remember, that while it's true that Jesus may not always be safe...He IS still good! It's because of His goodness that we have nothing to fear in this world. Whatever battle you are facing in your life, know He will honor and bless the time you have spent with Him!

Matt Lauderdale

Worship Moment

Song: I Am Your Beloved
Artist: Jonathan David Helser, Melissa Helser
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