Jen and Danielle let you in on weekly conversations that walk through issues and topics that we all deal with in everyday life. Deciding to follow Jesus can be the most simple 'yes' you give, but every day after that takes community and that's what we're here to help with. Danielle and Jen began SHE, the women's ministry of Cultivate Church, to help be a catalyst for community in the women of Shelby County. They believe whole-heartedly that if women could realize and embrace the truth that when the girl beside you succeeds, she isn't stealing your thunder, but completing it, we will all grow to be the best versions of who God has called us to be.
SHE gathers bi-monthly, so to make sure you're not lonely in between, and to be able to tackle more topics on the regular, the podcast was born. It is a labor of love to be able to walk alongside women so we can all grow in our faith together. We are so excited to be able to reach farther than the walls of Cultivate Church, into the workouts, daily drives, and laundry times of women everywhere.